Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2016

TAS3 R a p i d Extraxion Training

Video from Norwegian TAS3 training-Rapid Extraction: From N.Z. ..: "The whole front of the car had been ripped away on impact of the crash," he said. Crews used a newly introduced technique developed in Norway, "time-critical extraction". Instead of using conventional jaws of life and hydraulics to push the shattered chassis away from the patient, they used chains attached to a fire engine to pull them, getting her out and enabling medical treatment to take place within 10 minutes. http://ift.tt/1INuGxU http://ift.tt/1NXGQ3f Thx, Norwegian Air Ambulance ! ExEMTNor

from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1VJ8GcH

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