Ear Nose Throat J. 2021 Aug 31:1455613211041788. doi: 10.1177/01455613211041788. Online ahead of print.
OBJECTIVE: To explore whether the different phases of the nasal cycle have a significant effect on nasal temperature, the nasal mucosal clearance rate, and levels of nasal nitric oxide (nNO) and to investigate the correlation between these nasal conditions.
METHODS: The study participants were divided into 2 groups: the control group and the rhinitis group. The participants' nasal temperature, cilia clearance rate, and nNO levels were measured during different phases of the nasal cycle (the congestion phase and decongestion phase) in the control group and before and after undergoing inferior turbinate ablation in the rhinitis group.
RESULTS: The temperature of the nasal cavity in the control group was significantly higher in the congestion phase than in the decongestion phase (P = .0025), while in the rhinitis group, the temperature of the nasal cavity decreased significantly after inferior turbinate ablation (P = .001). In the control group, the nasal mucosa clearance time was significantly shorter in the congestion phase than in the decongestion phase (P = .001), and in the rhinitis group, the clearance time of the nasal mucosa was significantly shortened after the operation (P = .0025). In the control group, the levels of nNO were significantly higher in the congestion phase than in the decongestion phase (P = .025), while in the rhinitis group, nNO levels decreased significantly after the operation (P = .005).
CONCLUSION: The function of the nasal cavity changes in different phases of the nasal cycle. Therefore, when evaluating the impact of various factors on nasal function, factors associated with the nasal cycle should also be considered. Inferior turbinate plasma ablation can improve the ciliary function of the nasal mucosa, reduce the temperature of the nasal cavity, and reduce nNO levels.
PMID:34463151 | DOI:10.1177/01455613211041788
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